Monday, August 25, 2014

Today's Devotional from Pastor Clay: Use your Gift - Romans 12:6

August 25, 2014
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Use your gift - Romans 12:6

Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them. Romans 12:6

On Sunday we looked at Romans 12 verses 3-8, and in that section of scripture Paul encouraged us to take the gifts that God has given to each of us, and USE THEM!

Paul gave us a picture of the human body, which is made up of multiple parts and systems, each with a specific task, yet all are important for the body to function correctly.  

And it's the same in the church: Each one of us were custom designed by God with a unique set of gifts and abilities, and on the day that we accepted Christ, the Holy Spirit of God entered us, and those gifts and abilities were divinely energized! 

But those gift and abilities are only useful if their being used as intended, and Paul made it clear that the design intent of our gifts and abilities is that we would work together with other believers in the local church, so that all of the needed functions of the church would be operational. This is what makes our church healthy, and what will make our church grow in maturity, and in numbers.

So my devotion today is a call to action:  If you're not currently serving the Lord in some capacity in the local church, I encourage you to prayerfully consider it.  And then, do something about it! 
CLICK HERE to go to our online Volunteer Form

Fill it out, hit "SUBMIT," and see what God does! I promise you this: Serving the Lord is a blessing, and you'll be glad you did!

It's not what God wants from you, but what God wants for you!

Pastor Clay


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