Monday, December 29, 2014

Pastor Clay's Sabbatical - January 2014

December 29, 2014
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Pastor Clay & Tammy will be on Sabbatical till January 20.

Dear reader,

Each year my wife and I take a few weeks in January to rest, refresh, and renew our relationship with one another, and with the Lord. During this time I will not be posting my daily devotional. I may post things from time to time as I feel led by the Lord.

In the interim I'd like to challenge you to take some time in the next week or so and consider the following questions for your life:
  1. Where is my relationship with God? Am I willing to dedicate time each to to improve it? 
  2. How is my time in the word, and in prayer? Am I willing to set aside time each day to read my bible, pray, and seek God for guidance?
  3. Where is my relationship with others... family, friends, co-workers? What specific things could I do to improve them?
  4. How is my physical health? What specific things could I do to improve it?
  5. What are the most important things in my life? List at least five.  What specific things can I do to ensure I'm allocating my time and resources into those areas?
  6. Are there people or things in my life that are distracting me from my priorities? What am I willing to do about it?
  7. Am I using the gifts and abilities that God has given me in a significant way that is affecting my world? If not, what am I willing to do about it?
  8. Am I engaged in my local church in a significant way that is helping to build the kingdom? If not, what am I willing to do about it?
  9. Do I have a person in my life that is investing in me? If not, am I willing to prayerfully find one?
  10. Do I have a person in my life that I'm investing in? If not, am I willing to prayerfully find one?
In his book "Developing the Leader Within You," John Maxwell gives an outline of how to achieve positive change in your life...
  1. List the areas of your life that need to change.
  2. Place them in order of priority.
  3. Take them on, one at a time.
  4. Gather resources that will help you; books, videos, podcasts, people, etc.
  5. Ask a person who models that behavior to help you, and hold you accountable for your progress.
  6. Spend a few minutes each morning listing the specific things you will do that week to accomplish your goals.
  7. Do a "check-up" at noon each day to see how you're doing.
  8. Do a "check-up" each evening to see how you did.
  9. Allow 30-60 days for each item on your list to ensure the change is firmly in place.
  10. CELEBRATE when you've reached each goal!
I look forward to restarting my blog later in January, but until then, I pray the Lord keep you, and bless you, and shine His face upon you!

In His Service,

Pastor Clay
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