Thursday, November 06, 2014

Today's devotional from Pastor Clay: Greet who labors much for you - Romans 16:6

November 6, 2014
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Greet <enter name> who labors much for you - Romans 16:6

Greet Mary, who labored much for us. Romans 16:6

When I come across a person like Mary, who's only briefly mentioned in the bible, I always wonder, "Who was she? What did she do for Paul? What was her contribution to the mission there in Rome?" We know a lot about the lives of Paul, John, Peter, and Barnabus… but not much about the hundreds, perhaps thousands of saints who contributed to the work of the ministry in the first century church. People like Mary, Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermas, Patrobas, Hermes, etc etc. These are all men and women who may not have had a high profile role, but if it weren't for them, the work of the ministry would not have happened, the mission would not have been successful.

Years ago I worked as a project manager, and one thing I learned real quick was not to overlook the behind the scenes people. See, I knew the managers that attended the project meetings, but they weren't the ones actually getting the work done. Behind them were legions of people; Order managers, engineers, manufacturing workers, shipping coordinators, the people that were intimately involved in putting all the pieces together. If one of those pieces didn't get done, it could impact the entire project. These folks weren't as visible to me, buried as they were in the "cubical farms" of the company, but nonetheless they were crucial to the success of the project. I made it my mission to personally know every person that worked on one of my projects, and to let them know that I appreciated their contribution. 

That same principle holds true in the church: There are people who may not be visible on a given Sunday, but those folks are nonetheless mission critical to the success of the church. If they didn't do their part, it could effect the entire mission. 

Think about that next time you walk into your church. Look for the saint that's serving in obscurity (look for them in the parking lot, the kitchen, the sound booth, or the classroom),  go up to them and greet them. Thank them for their service to you, your church, and to the Lord.

And if you're one of those folks who serve in your church, and you feel like no one notices, know this: The Lord sees what you do, and I understand He keeps very good records.

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Gal 6:9

"Lord, help me to be appreciative of the many "Mary's" that serve in my church."

Pastor Clay


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