Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Fearless - follow up

Last week we looked at 1 Samuel 14, and how Jonathan was a man that was fearless and full of faith!  We learned four great truths from the scriptures last week:

Lesson #1 - Sometimes we have to step out in faith
We can sit around and hope God raises up someone to go into the Philistine camp…
Or we can stand up and say “here I am God, I’m ready, use me”

Lesson #2 - When we step out into God’s plan, God will meet us there.
We can say “Oh look, God is working over there, that is just so awesome…”  as we sit under our tree.
Or we can get up and get involved in what God is doing!

Lesson #3 - The enemy is not as tough as we think.
We can look at our circumstances, our situation, and think “I can’t be used by God right now, because I have too many problems”, “or I’m too busy,” or “it’s too big for me to handle,” or “it won’t work…”
Or we can get up and face our Philistines in the power of the Living God!

Lesson #4 - Our faith encourages others
There may be people around you that are too afraid to move, paralyzed by their situations, sitting in fear, perhaps even walked away from God altogether.
Saints, when those people see you step out, fearless and full of faith, it will give them the courage to get up, and get back into the fight!

So, where are you today with the Lord?   
Are you like Saul, sitting in the shade of your Pomegranate tree, wondering what to do next?
 Or are you like Jonathan, looking out at the world around you, and thinking “I’m going to step out in faith, and see what God might do through me?”

… till the whole world hears,

Pastor Clay

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