| | Islam: The Great Deception ...and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Matthew 24:11 Given the ferocity and violence displayed by Islamic Jihad groups in the past year, our gut reaction might be "kill them all!" Sadly its a fact that many of the Muslims that have joined forces with groups such as ISIS and Al Qaeda will not lay down their arms short of death. As well, our government has a God-given duty to protect citizens against threats, with deadly force if necessary. But as Christians we have an additional insight into the threat that should not be ignored: the fact that Muslims have been deceived. When speaking of the last days, Jesus noted that there will be many false prophets that will rise up, and will deceive many people. In my mind, Islam fits that model perfectly. Consider a few facts about the beginnings of Islam: Muhammed claims the angel Gabriel appeared to him and proclaimed a revelation about God. This angel appeared repeatedly to Muhammed and during these encounters he would fall to the ground in convolutions, the words he spoke would be written down on whatever was handy at the time, and his "revelations" were later compiled to form the Quran. Who was this angel? Paul gives us a clue: And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:14 When Muhammad conquered the pagan Mecca, the people worshipped 360 idols, all lined up in what's known as the K'bah. The four most important gods among them were the moon god, "Sin", also known as "Hubal", also known as "Allah", and his three daughters: Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Al-Manat. When Muhammed declared "Allah is the one true god" he was differentiating Allah from the other pagan gods that were worshiped. In other words, Allah is simply one of many demonic pagan gods that were worshiped at the time. What does the bible teach us about pagan gods? ...but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons. 1 Corinthians 10:20 Consider also that Islam is not a religion that celebrates life, rather it celebrates death. The Quran prohibits its followers from all forms of enjoyment and pleasures on Earth but promises them unlimited and eternal pleasures in the Hereafter: sexual, sensual and carnal pleasures that are denied them in life; so much so, that they would rather be killed in Jihad than live. Quran 2: 94 Say: "If the last Home with Allah be for you specially and not for anyone else then seek ye for death if ye are sincere." The leaders of Islamic Jihad groups are well documented telling the their enemies: "We love death more than you love life." This is exactly the thing that Jesus warned us about - that we can know a false prophet by their fruit: By their fruit you will recognize them. Matthew 6:17 When a religion glorifies death over life, the true apostle of that region is exposed: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10 My point in this is this: Now that we recognize the true god of Islam, Satan, our response should to be to pray for the Muslim population of this world. They have been deceived into a pagan cult of death where they're promised paradise if they die in Jihad, but in reality they will awake to a far different and terrible reality - eternal separation from God. I believe that the Muslim population may well be the last great unreached people group before the return of Christ. Consider Jesus words: They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. Luke 21:24 I believe that John 3:16 applies to ALL people, including the Muslim population, including the Islamic extremists. There is no escaping the fact that western civilization is at war with Islamic extremists, regardless of whether we admit it or not. Our government has a responsibility to protect us, even if it means using deadly force against these fighters… but I also believe many Muslims will be saved. Pastor Wes just finished teaching the book of Jonah, and in that account Jonah went to a people that were fully steeped in sin and evil, yes upon hearing the call of God, they repented and were spared. Jesus called us to love our enemies, and pray for those who persecute us: But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you... Matthew 5:44 What should we be praying? We should be praying that God would open the eyes of Muslims, and open their hearts to His Son Jesus Christ. If God will spare Nineveh, He will spare Muslim Jihad fighters. Pastor Clay | | | | | | |
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