Friday, March 26, 2010

End Times Update - Sovereign Danger

"Watching Greece and now Portugal verge on financial default due to fiscal profligacy should send a chill up every American's spine. This is our fate, too, if we don't change course — and soon."  
March 24, 2010 Investors Business Daily.

End times teaching in the bible tells us that there will be an alignment of nations into a one-world government.  Many people thing this could never happen, but things are moving in that direction, and the catalyst will be the financial systems of the world.  When things get bad, people talk 'consolidation'.  Corporations do it all the time.

Our nation is heading towards a financial cliff, and we're not alone.  European nations are finding that the model of giving people cradle-to-grave entitlements cannot be sustained, and it is bankrupting one country after another.  The US is heading down the same path. 

When everyone is bankrupt, who do we turn to?  China?

(to read the full article click here)

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