Friday, January 10, 2014


Is there a sin in your life that you haven't been able to obtain victory over?  If so, I have two things to say to you:


Trust me when I tell you that I know what it's like to have an area of sin in my life that's still hanging on. It's as if that sin is tied to your leg with a bungie cord;  Every time you think you've left it behind, you turn around, and SMACK - there it is!  I believe if Christians were transparent, we'd find that there many still struggling with one sin or another.  That reality can be very defeating for the Christian, especially the new Christian, leading them to conclude:  "Whats the point?  I keep falling back into my sin, I may as well give up!"

Take heart Christian!  There is a solution!  And that solution is nowhere better illustrated than in the pages of your bible, specifically in Romans 6, 7, & 8.

This Sunday at Calvary Chapel we'll be opening up a new section of Romans:  Romans 6-8. Romans 6-8 have been described as the "Victory" chapters, because in these three chapters the Apostle Paul lays out the strategy for victory over sin:

VICTORY (Romans 6)
LIBERTY  (Romans 7)
SECURITY (Romans 8)

All based on one thing:  Our relationship to Jesus Christ.  Join us Sunday morning at 10 am at Calvary Chapel.

Pastor Clay

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