Thursday, August 16, 2012

#LevelUpCCW - The Bible: Is It True?

Before I became a Christian I never gave much thought to where the bible came from; it was just “The Bible!” And I remember that there were occasions when I would hear people make comments about the bible…

“You can make the bible mean whatever you want”
“The bible is full of contradictions”
“There are all kinds of errors in the bible”

To be honest I picked up a lot of those comments as being true, and even repeated them a few times.

After I became a Christian, I knew I was supposed to believe the bible was true, and I did for the most part.  I remember something that I used to hear “The bible says it, and that settles it”, but I still had some doubts.  Could I really trust it?

Some of you may have had a similar experience. Over the next few weeks I hope to accomplish several things:
  • We’ll look at the history of the bible: Where it came from, who wrote it, how it came to be in the form we have today.
  • We’ll answer some of the questions about the bible:  Has the bible maintained its integrity? Is it historically accurate? Can we believe everything that is in it?
  • We’ll answer the question: Is there a good reason I should invest my time reading and understanding the bible?
  • Finally, we’ll look at how we can get the most from our time spent reading and studying the bible.

I hope you'll join us Sunday, August 19th, at 9:30 & 11:30, for #LevelUpCCW – The Bible: Is It True?

… till the whole world hears,

Pastor Clay

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