Thursday, July 21, 2011

I want it - NOW!

Have you ever had something that you really wanted? And as you pondered that thing, and thought about it, the desire became greater and greater.  And so you ask the Lord “Lord, give me _______. (fill in the blank)” Perhaps you had good intentions… 

“Lord if you give me this job, I’ll have more money to tithe with.”
“Lord if you’ll let us get this bigger house, we can use it to hold small groups in and minister to more people!”
“Lord if you’ll make her go out with me, I can win her to Jesus and we can serve you together!” 
"Lord it’s gonna be awesome!"

But tell me something; in those instances where God granted that wish, when He answered that prayer and gave you what you asked for, how many times did it work out well? I can tell you that many of my requests to God have turned out to be total duds. When I got what I thought I really wanted, it caused me more problems than I had bargained for.  

When we got that new job, it demanded so much of our time that it took us away from serving the Lord.   
When we got that big house we had to work so hard to keep it we never had time to hold small groups. 
When that girl or guy did go out with us, they ended up drawing us away from the Lord instead of us drawing them to God. 

See our problem is two-fold:
#1 We cannot see the future
#2 The desires of our flesh are often the driving force behind our motives.

But guess who can see the future?  Guess who is not affected by those desires?   If you guessed “God”, you guessed right on both accounts! We think we know what’s best for us, what we really need, but in reality we don’t have a clue what’s best for us.  And sometimes God will allow us to have what we want, so that we can see for ourselves that His way is always best. In 1st Samuel chapter 8 we see God giving the nation of Israel exactly what they want, even though it’s not what’s best. 
It’s a hard thing to admit that we don’t know what’s best for us, but a wise person will accept the fact that God knows what is best in every situation, and that He always has our best interest at heart.

Join us Sunday as we continue our study of 1st Samuel, chapter 8

... till the whole world hears,

Pastor Clay

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