Thursday, February 03, 2011

When the church prays...

No one is a firmer believer in the power of prayer than the devil; not that he practices it, but he suffers from it.  ~Guy H. King

Let me tell you a story.  For the past few months we have been putting together the new study we just started this past Wednesday (The House that God Builds).  Tammy and I both  felt led by the Lord to roll this out to the families in our church, and that God was going to work in a great way through the time we spend coming together to study God’s plan for family.

But this past week has been a little rough (yes I am minimizing).  Things going wrong, issues coming up, division, distortion.  It was as if the whole world were coming against us all at once!  So what did we do?  Simple.  WE PRAYED.  We sought the Lord, we pressed in, and you know what happened?  You guessed it:  The problems that were pressing in, they were solved.  The issues that were cropping up, they were resolved in a super-blessed way.  The fog division and distortion lifted like when the sun breaks through the fog on a San Francisco summer morning (you’d have to see it to understand, but it is a cool thing to witness!). And the result was that our first family bible study was an incredible success! 

We were so encouraged to watch what God was doing!  The devil wanted to sabotage what God was going to do, but God was victorious – and the victory was won IN PRAYER!  I felt like Joshua when he was fighting the Amalekites, and Moses was on the hill with his staff held high, and the power of God gave the Israelites victory over the enemies of God’s people! As Guy H. King said it, the devil suffered from our prayers.

What’s the point?  The point is that PRAYER WORKS! Church, if we will seek His face, call upon His name, God will do mighty things in and through us.  Our part is not to make it happen, but to pray, step out, and watch it happen!

All of this is a lead-in to another thing that God has put on our heart:  A time for our church to come together and pray.  Once a month, on the third Saturday at 9 am, we will come together as a church in prayer.  Our leaders will be there.  We invite you to join us. The first one will be:

Saturday February 19th, at 9 – 10 am

Go to our facebook event page and let us know you coming!

…if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

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