Friday, February 13, 2009

Real Life

Greetings Calvary Community!

Another week is closing out on us, a week that has been full of events! Most notably, we are watching the largest spending bill ever to be signed into law (for my particular take on this, visit my personal blog,, which is completely personal and in no way connected to Calvary Chapel {disclaimer!}).

We live in a world where there is conflict between Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, but most of all between living for God, and living for self.

Jesus is clear - if we live for Him we will be in conflict with the world. The question we have to come to terms with is "Do I seek to please God, or myself?" For the most part, the people in our world seek to live for themselves. Jesus tells us to do the exact opposite, and by doing so we will in fact find that which we long for the most: A fulfilled life.

Join us Sunday morning for an in-depth look at Jesus teaching: He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.

In His Service,

Pastor Clay

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