Thursday, October 16, 2008

A New Beginning - Nov 5

Wednesday night we began our last section in Judges, an account of a brutal attack and murder of a woman, which sparked a civil war in Israel that claimed 55,000 men. Next week we’ll conclude Judges, and on Wednesday November 5th well start a new and more uplifting account: The Book of Ruth.

Ruth’s story occurred during the time of the judges — a period of disobedience, idolatry, and violence. Yet in stark contrast to Judges, the book of Ruth shows us a community that did what was right in God’s eyes. It is "the story of God’s grace in the midst of difficult circumstances. Even in times of crisis and deepest despair, there are those who follow God and through whom God works. No matter how discouraging or antagonistic the world may seem, there are always people who follow God.

The account of Ruth has a parallel to our lives today: In the midst of difficult times, we as Christians can follow and obey God and do what is right, and God will work through us to accomplish His plan for this world.

...till the whole world hears,

Pastor Clay

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