Friday, September 21, 2007

God is Faithful!

I have to share this account with you all! Last week the elders met at our regular monthly meeting after the Wed night study, and we reviewed our church finances. I have to tell you that the outlook was not positive! Over the course of the summer, offerings were down, and our ‘cash reserve’ was dwindling at an alarming rate. Some hard decisions might be in order soon. Not only that, we had just obtained the permits to proceed with Holy Grounds, and yet we had not met our financial target for funds to proceed.

After much discussion, we settled on the ‘bottom line’.

  • We know God has ordained this work at CCW
  • We believe God opened the door for us to proceed with Holy Grounds
  • We believe we are to go forward
  • So… we keep on keeping on, and we trust God, even when the numbers tell us otherwise!
  • We decided to pray, seek the Lord, and trust Him.

Well, this past Sunday we had the largest offering that our church has EVER had! God blew our socks off! Just when we felt we had no where else to turn, God provided through His people!

I tell you this for several reasons…

  1. To encourage you – if you are in a place where you feel that you have no where else to turn, then its time to pray and trust God!
  2. To build your faith – where God guides, He provides!
  3. To give you purpose – Get involved with what God is doing. Don’t be a bystander.

In Nehemiah 2, we read: And I told them of the hand of my God which had been good upon me, and also of the king's words that he had spoken to me. So they said, "Let us rise up and build." Then they set their hands to this good work. Neh 2:18

Nehemiah was a man who knew the God he served, and he believed the God he served, and he acted on what God gave him to do! Let us do the same!

...till the whole world hears,

Pastor Clay

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