Friday, September 20, 2013

The Basics Series - Money Part 2: Blessings vs Curses (Sept 15, 2013)

Money - Part 2
Blessings vs Curses
Malachi 3:8-11; Joshua 1, 6; 1 Kings 17; 2 Cor 9
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1.         Scripture Ref:  Malachi 3:8-11; Joshua 1, 6; 2 Cor 9
2.         Last week we talked about the principles of the firstborn, and the firstfruit.
a.    How God promises us if we’ll put Him first, He’ll bless us.
b.    How do you know what’s first in your life?  Look at your checkbook.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matt 6:21

c.    Money is an important resource, and what we do with our money (our treasure) is an indicator of where our heart is.

Mal 3:8-11
"Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, 'In what way have we robbed You?' In tithes and offerings.  You are cursed with a curse, for you have robbed Me, even this whole nation.   Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this," says the LORD of hosts, "If I will not open for you the windows of heaven, and pour out for you such blessing  That there will not be room enough to receive it.   "And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, so that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground, nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field," Says the LORD of hosts;

3.         (I know, every pastor’s favorite verse!)
4.         It’s true, this scripture is often used to guilt people into tithing, but let's look at the reality of what God is saying here:
a.    #1 The tithe belongs to God
b.    #2 He considers it robbing from Him if we withhold it
5.         OK, “got that Pastor Clay.”  But there are two additional points that are important.
a.    #1 If we withhold the tithe, we are cursed with a curse
b.    #2 If we give the tithe, we are the recipients of a blessing
c.    In other words there is a choice, determined by our obedience, of having a curse or a blessing.

6.         Curse? Wait a minute, that doesn’t seem right that God would curse someone, does it?
7.         Lets take a look at that. 
a.    A curse is not like voodoo, it’s not an evil spell that God puts on you to punish you.
b.    We could view curse as this: A state that is the opposite of blessing.
8.         A blessing is having God’s supernatural power at work in our lives, bringing about positive change, laying good things on us! 
a.    A curse is simply the absence of God’s power in our lives, which is a big deal.
9.         Think about it;  We live in a fallen world, where a fallen enemy (Satan) works tirelessly against God, and His people.
a.    Without the supernatural power and protection of God, Christians are in a vulnerable state.
b.    God is saying that when a person withholds from God what is rightfully His, then that person doesn’t have the supernatural power and protection of God at work in their life.

Example of Achan
10.     I can't think of a better example than that of the account of Achan.  (turn to Joshua 1)
a.    Joshua is the account of God sending the Israelites, under the command of Joshua, to take possession of the land He had promised them.
b.    Note that God has already promised the land, it was theirs, but they were required to step out in faith, and obedience, and TAKE POSSESSION.
c.    God even gave them a promise:

Be strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them. Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. Joshua 1:6-7

d.    in other words:  Put me first, obey Me, and you’ll have my power working on this campaign! 
11.     So, off they go to the first city that they were to take: Jericho, and listen to what God said about Jericho:

"…all the silver and gold, and vessels of bronze and iron, are consecrated to the LORD; they shall come into the treasury of the LORD" Josh 6:19

a.    In other words, get this principle:  The spoils from Jericho was the firstfruits, it was the first city that they conquered (which by the way was only possible with God’s help!),
b.    and the firstfruit of that battle was to go into the treasury of the house of God. It was the tithe...
c.    The rest of the loot from all of the other cities that they conquered, they were free to keep.
12.     So they go to Jericho, God delivers on His promise, the walls fall down, and they take the city…
a.    But during the Jericho raid, a man named Achan came across a stash of gold, silver, and a nice cape, and he took it for himself.
b.    What happened?  When the Israelites went into the next battle, Ai, they were defeated! They were powerless against their enemies.
13.     When Joshua asked God "what happened?", God told Joshua

So the Lord said to Joshua: “Get up! Why do you lie thus on your face?  (here’s what happend) Israel has sinned, and they have also transgressed My covenant which I commanded them. For they have even taken some of the accursed things, and have both stolen and deceived; and they have also put it among their own stuff. Therefore the children of Israel could not stand before their enemies, but turned their backs before their enemies, because they have become doomed to destruction. Neither will I be with you anymore, unless you destroy the accursed from among you. Joshua 7:10-12

14.     God said “someone stole the tithe” and thus the My power and protection were removed.
a.    God called the stuff that was taken by Achan "the accursed things", because it was stuff that was stolen from God.
b.    Get this principle:  The firstfruit, when withheld from God, becomes cursed. 
15.     Money that is withheld from God is cursed money. No, it won’t jump out of your pocket possessed; it simply doesn’t have the power and protection of God.
a.    And Achan’s sin didn’t just affect Achan, it affected the entire nation - the supernatural power of God was removed from Israel, and they were defeated.
b.    The picture: an entire family, all of the finances, are affected by withholding the tithe.
16.     In other words: When we withhold from God what is rightfully His, we are effectively signing our own "Declaration of Defeat."
a.    I believe that is why some Christians walk around saying “I never have enough money, I’m always broke, I don’t understand it…”
b.    They say “I can’t afford to tithe…” 
c.    The reality is – because they withheld from God what is rightfully His, his power and protection is not on their finances.
d.    The very thing they think they can’t do, is the very thing that is messing up their finances!

17.     Now before we get depressed, we can rejoice that the opposite is true: 

If I am faithful to give to the Lord what is His, then I can expect a blessing. When I honor God with the first 10%, I will have the power and protection of God on the remaining 90%.

a.    As soon as Israel corrected the sin, they went forward again in the power of God.
b.    In other words, putting God first with our firstfruits is provision & protection
c.    Provision - God will bless our hand in all we do
d.    Protection - God will protect us from the enemy’s attacks to hurt our provision.
18.     Another way to say it: Giving God the first 10% unlocks God’s blessing on the other 90%:

For if the firstfruit is holy, the lump is also holy; and if the root is holy, so are the branches Rom 11:16

a.    The first portion, the tithe, has the power to redeem the rest - in other words the firstfruit is the TRIGGER.
19.     And not just a little blessing, God says it will be a BIG blessing
a.    He says He’ll open for you the windows of heaven, and pour out for you such blessing  That there will not be room enough to receive it.“
20.     Now stop and think about this for a second:  What would I prefer: the blessings and protection of God on 90% of my finances, or a curse on 100% of my finances?  Well, that is a no-brainer!
a.    And God’s word indicates that we have control over choice by our own actions.
b.    We can pull the trigger and release the blessings of God by being obedient to God, and putting Him first.
c.    We won’t have to hope things will turn out well; we can confidently and courageously rely on God’s promise that He will bless us!

Hard Times
21.     Some might say - “it’s hard right now…”
a.    I’m going to tell you something that will blow your mind:  The best time to tithe is when you’re experiencing financial hardship.
b.    Crazy?  No! Think about it;  How else are you going to make it through?
c.    Is it better to go through difficult times with the provision and protection of God, or without?

Elijah & the Widow
22.     Look at 1 Kings 17 (verses 8-15)
a.    Elijah and the widow - made bread “first” - what happened?

So she went away and did according to the word of Elijah; and she and he and her household ate for many days. The bin of flour was not used up, nor did the jar of oil run dry, according to the word of the Lord which He spoke by Elijah. 1 Kings 17:15-16

b.    In other words, do this “first, and God will bless the rest – God will make the small amount she had last until the end of the drought”
23.     Apply that to your paycheck:  “it’s not enough” - God says: “give me the firstfruit, and I’ll make it last!”
a.    Sounds crazy, right?  That’s because it is supernatural!
b.    We have a choice - its a test of our faith - what are we going to do?
c.    If that widow had said “thats crazy” and went on with her business, she and her son would have died.
24.     Interesting: God sent Elijah to the widow - NOT a rich man.
a.    Why? God sent Elijah to the widow so He could show Himself to this women, who had lost all hope!
25.     In other words:  God didn’t send Elijah to the widow to save Elijah,
a.    God used ravens to feed Elijah before the widow, later on in 1 Kings God sent an angel to feed Elijah…
b.    God wanted to save the widow.
c.    In other words, the principle of the firstfruit is not just about provision, it's about life!
26.     It gets even more beautiful - in the next section her son dies - and guess who happened to be there?
a.    God knew the boy was sick!
27.     Here’s my point:  Hard times are an opportunity! They set up the circumstances where God can reveal Himself in the midst of our trial.
a.    Showing that He will provide for all of our needs if we’ll just trust him!
b.    Because – listen - if we don’t trust God, it has a multiplier effect:

Weak & Fearful
28.     Here’s what happens when a Christian withholds from God; Deep down, they know they’re in disobedience.
a.    They know they don’t have God’s blessing on their finances,
b.    So, fear and guilt sets in, they become unsure of whether things will work out,
c.    They start to worry about their finances, their job, their business
29.     So they try to hold more tightly what they have, giving less. So begins a downward spiral: 
a.    Withhold the tithe = fear & guilt
b.    Fear & Guilt = lack of faith
c.    Lack of faith = hoard what little you have, give less
d.    Give less  =  no power & protection - more guilt & fear
e.    Become Weak and fearful…
30.     Guys listen:  You cannot be strong and courageous if you’re in disobedience to God.
31.     But again, the opposite is true, when we trust God, the multiplication principle goes in a positive direction:

Seeds Multiply
6 But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 7 So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.  10 Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness, 2 Cor 9:6-10

32.     Paul uses a metaphor of a farmer planting seeds to communicate this principle. Think of a farmer that has a sack of seed:
a.    He could grind it all into flour and make bread. It would last a little while, but then it’s gone.
i.      He’ll have to hope someone gives him more seed
b.    Or, he could plant some of the seed, and make flour from the rest.
c.    But here is the point:  The more seeds the farmer sows, the more grain he will have when it’s harvested
d.    He puts the multiplier principle into effect. Every farmer knows this:  wheat 40:1, corn 100:1
33.     Who supplies the seed?

Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food,   2 Cor 9:10

a.    Notice that God supplies seed - NOT to the “keeper” but to the “sower,” I.E. God gives seeds to people who will sow them.
b.    I’ve heard people say, “Sure, that guy is a giver, but he can afford to be; he’s got money.”
c.    They have it backwards. That guy has money because he’s a giver. God is supplying seed to the sower.
34.     Paul goes on to say “and bread for food” God is always mindful of our material needs (so we don’t have to be).
a.    He wants us to take some of the seed He’s given us and eat it, but the rest He wants us to sow.
b.    He even adds a promise about that seed:

(God will) supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness (v10)

c.    God is the only one who can supply our seed; He is also the only one who can multiply it.
d.    When we sow seeds into His kingdom, we are sowing righteousness.
e.    God will increase the fruits of our righteousness, adding to our account in Heaven (remember Jesus said “store up treasures in heaven”).

Principles of Sowing & Reaping

1 Like Begets Like
35.     If you sow corn, you’re going to reap corn; if you sow wheat, you’re going to reap wheat;
a.    It’s a law that was established at the creation of the world.

Then God said, “Let the land sprout with vegetation—every sort of seed-bearing plant, and trees that grow seed-bearing fruit. These seeds will then produce the kinds of plants and trees from which they came.” Gen 1:11 (NLT)

b.    This principle applies to every area of life: Love, kindness, friendship, etc
c.    And this verse teaches us (because Paul is talking about a collection) that if you sow money, you are going to reap money.
36.     Can you imagine a farmer standing in his field in which he’s planted wheat, upset that corn didn’t come up?
a.    I know that sounds self-evident, but you would be surprised at how often people sow bad seed (anger, selfishness, stinginess) then wonder why bad things happen to them!

2 You Reap AFTER you Sow
37.     From the very beginning the order was established. Before there can ever be a harvest, there must be a seedtime.
a.    Jesus affirmed this when He said:

The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground, and should sleep by night and rise by day, and the seed should sprout and grow, he himself does not know how. For the earth yields crops by itself: first the blade, then the head, after that the full grain in the head. But when the grain ripens, immediately he puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come Mark 4: 26-29

b.    Again, imagine that farmer standing in a field in which he’s planted NO seed, and wondering why his crop hasn’t come in!
c.    I know that seems simple but you wouldn't believe how many people say “Someday, when I have more money, I’m going be a giver.”
d.    It will never happen. You can’t reap before you sow.

3 You Reap MORE than you Sow
38.     The third principle you should know about seed is this: You reap more than you sow. The essence of the message is in the following passage:

Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him Ps. 126: 5-6

a.    As this passage implies, the principle of harvest increase is so powerful that, even if you’re crying as you scatter your little bag of precious seed,
b.    your tears will turn to rejoicing as you begin bringing in your sheaves of harvest.
c.    It’s elementary but true, isn’t it? In God’s kingdom, as in God’s natural creation, you reap more than you sow.
39.     But here’s the catch – If someone hears this and says “I’m going to sow some money so I can get a lot of money!”
a.    God’s not going to honor that – because God isn’t into building earthly kingdoms. God is into building HIS kingdom.
b.    God’s kingdom isn’t about things – God’s kingdom is about PEOPLE.
40.     See it's a matter of the heart – do we have a heart for materials things, or do we have a heart for people?
a.    If we have a heart for people, we’ll cheerfully invest in God’s kingdom,
b.    not looking for material gain, but knowing that we are building up treasures far more valuable… which are…
c.    The people that we’ll spend eternity with in Heaven!
41.     Imagine being in heaven, and a saint walks up to you and says “I’m here because you gave to bring Harvest to Wilmington,” or “I’m here because you planted seed in India / Georgia
42.     Wrapping up that scripture in 2 Cor 9:8
a.    God promises us that if we will invest in His Kingdom (where Jesus said moth and rust will not affect your investment)
b.    We will “always having all sufficiency (refers to “needs” - you will have enough)
c.    …in all things (in every area of your life), and…
d.    You’ll have an abundance (EXTRA) for every GOOD WORK (to sow MORE into God’s kingdom).
e.    Treasures in heaven – people!

Copyright © 2013 Clay Ritter. This data file is the sole property of Clay Ritter. It may be copied in its entirety or in part for personal use, or teaching, freely without charge. Please include a citation to this website.  This data file may not be copied in part, edited, revised, copied for resale or incorporated in any commercial publications, recordings, broadcasts, performances, displays or other products offered for sale, without the written permission of Clay Ritter. Requests for permission should be made in writing and addressed to Pastor Clay Ritter, c/o Calvary Chapel of Wilmington, 2831 Carolina Beach Rd, Wilmington NC, 28412, or via email to

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