Thursday, May 12, 2011

Holy Grounds in the News!

Did you catch the WECT news feature of Holy Ground on Wed?  On Wednesday morning during our staff meeting, WECT reporter Casey Roman came into Holy Grounds and wanted to see what God was doing here! She had heard about our Coffee Shop/Food Pantry from the guys over at 88.5 The Edge (shout out to Scott and Earl!), and came to see for herself. Well, herself and all the WECT viewers!

Now sometimes I get a little on edge when the news wants to do a story on what God is doing. The news station may have an agenda, or they may not capture the heart of what God is doing.  I have to say I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the piece; Casey and the WECT crew did a great job of capturing the heart of Holy Grounds.  

But not only do I thank the WECT crew; the one I really want to thank is THE LORD!  You see, I believe God orchestrated that feature so that more people could hear and see what He is doing in and through us here at Calvary Chapel of Wilmington. When we are willing to reach out and bless others, sharing the love of Christ and meeting the needs of people, God will expand our borders!

Tammy’s quote captures it completely:  "Every time they come in and bring a can of food or buy a cup of coffee they are making a difference in someone's life," said Tammy. "Although it may be small, it's real and it's happening here."
This week I will be flying to Costa Mesa to attend Chelsea’s graduation from the CC School of Worship, then driving back to NC with her (road trip!).  Pastor Ron Dozler from CC Myrtle Beach will be teaching this week, and I know that you will give him a warm and friend CCW welcome!

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