Thursday, August 05, 2010


hey everyone - i am moving my blog to a new location... 

please make a note of it!  i'll leave this site up for a while, but all new posts will be on the new site.  thanks!

Got Jesus?

“Hey man are you saved? Got Jesus?” 

Perhaps you have been asked this question, hopefully if you’re reading this you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior (AMEN!).  But, what does it really mean to be saved? Saved from what?  Am I in danger? Is something bad about to happen to me?

The term “saved,” along with “salvation” and “born again,” are fairly well-known terms in our Judeo-Christian society.  But what do they really mean?  Some people assume that they are Christians because they were born in America, or because they were baptized as infants, or because they belong to a church. I’ve had people tell me “I’m a good person, God will recognize that…”  Sadly, there is a lot of confusion about what it really means to become a Christian.

Even among Christians there is uncertainty.  Many Christians don’t have a firm grasp of what really happened when they were born again:  The change that occurred, the new life that lives within them, the powerful resources that are now available to them, and the incredible inheritance that awaits them in Christ.

This Sunday we will uncover some of these truths in the first session of our Essentials Series:  What Happened When I Got Saved?  Sunday @ 9 & 11 am.

Pastor Clay